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"Atlas Shrugged" (in 3 volumes) Ayn Rand

-Francisco, who is the lowest among people?
—A person with no purpose.

"Atlas Shrugged" is one of the books that changes the worldview and reveals the social significance of entrepreneurship. The plot is based on the struggle between capitalism and socialism, social and personal. By introducing socialist reforms, the authorities are cutting down the great achievements of the factory owners at the root. Ayn Rand tries to convey the idea that the workforce itself, without its leaders and leaders, is not capable of progress, that the prosperity of society depends on the initiative of entrepreneurs and scientists.

The entire book is imbued with the ideas of reasonable egoism and teaches us to trust our own experience, reason and opinion. Using the example of the main characters, Rand inspires the reader to take responsibility for their own lives into their own hands, and carry their idea despite opposition from society and loved ones. According to the author, the self-realization of an individual will benefit the entire society. But if you do not show your talent, and follow your own path, it will turn into a tragedy for the whole society.
  • Product Code: book
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Guarantee: 12 months
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