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Smart Speed ​​Limiter SSR-1 Pro

Smart speed board SSR-1 Pro is equipment for measuring and controlling speed, demonstrating the obtained value to drivers on the LED display. Driver feedback - praise or reprimand influences behavior. It has been proven that positive reinforcement of behavior with praise, in our case it is like and displaying the speed value in green, stimulates a person to continue to adhere to this type of behavior, i.e. in our case - to strive to comply with the speed limit without the use of hard obstacles, such as a speed bump. Statistics show that the installation of a smart SSR speed limiter leads to a decrease in speed violations by more than 2 times, and road accidents by 5 times.

The equipment is installed in a comfortable visibility zone for drivers on roads with any number of lanes. On wide roads with 3 or more lanes in one direction, a separate board is installed for each lane above the road. Placards are placed in areas with a high risk of accidents: near educational institutions, in places with poor visibility, heavy traffic and high traffic.

The smart speed limiter SSR-1 Pro helps motorists to control the speed and reminds in a timely manner of the need to reduce it in a critical area.

Principle of operation

The device is equipped with a radar. The sensor is triggered automatically when the vehicle enters the control zone. The radar measures the speed. The obtained result is displayed on the SSR-1 Pro display. It takes 100 milliseconds to calculate and visualize the resulting value on the screen.

If the driver does not exceed the speed limit, the scoreboard reacts in green. First outputs the speed value

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then the like appears on the display.

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If the vehicle exceeds the permissible speed limit by no more than 10 km/h, the display will display the value in yellow

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In case of a gross violation of speed (exceeding the permissible limit by more than 10 km/h), the SSR-1 Pro reacts with a red color and a dislike.

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If the car is moving at a speed of 80 km/h or more, a dislike is immediately displayed on the screen.

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Module for photo and video recording of vehicles that exceed speed

This module is implemented using a high-resolution 12MP camera built into the display panel and a specialized lens with an optimally selected optical zoom.

In case of exceeding the speed limit, the car is photographed or filmed.

The data is saved:

  1. in the device memory;
  2. on an FTP server;
  3. on the Telegram channel.

Data access:

  • by directly connecting to the device;
  • by connecting to the server;
  • by authorizing on the Telegram channel;
  • by installing a desktop program.

The data format is text + video / photo.

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System of automatic switching on of a red traffic light

Optionally, you can connect the board to a traffic light. A radar board will be installed 300 meters before the traffic light. It will transmit a signal to turn on the red light to a traffic light in case of an overspeeding of an approaching car.

If the driver exceeds the speed, he will first receive a response from the display in the form of a dislike, then the additional radar, fixing the excess, will transmit a signal to the traffic light and turn on the red light forcibly stopping the driver.

The system instantly improves driving culture and speed compliance.

First, the driver knows that in case of speeding, the traffic light will switch to red.

Secondly, the offender will receive general disapproval, since, having received a red traffic light, he will detain not only himself, but also the rest of the traffic participants.

Also, for the safe and efficient passage of technical vehicles and first aid vehicles, the GPSM SSR-1 Pro, complete with a traffic light, is able to turn on a red light for other road users, thereby providing the first unhindered passage.

After the vehicle has passed, the traffic light will automatically give a green signal.

Smart Speed ​​Limiter SSR-1 Pro image 7

Interesting features of the SSR-1 Pro model

  • The display can be used in climatic conditions with high and low temperatures. The basic configuration of the model has a built-in heating system for equipment at low temperatures and a LED panel cooling module on hot days.
  • The smart device SSR-1 Pro is maximally adapted to difficult operating conditions. The board electronics, like all elements, are in a sealed case. The radar housing is made of galvanized steel with a high-strength polymer coating that protects the metal from corrosion. When assembling the device, stainless alloy hardware and high-quality gold-plated connectors are used. Construction hinges are produced from high-strength industrial polymers. The latches of the model have a nickel-plated coating, which ensures a long service life of the parts (up to 10 years).
  • It is possible to remotely configure the speed limit, connect to the SSR-1 Pro control unit using SMS commands.
  • The display has a built-in telemetry module that transmits all measurements via the mobile Internet to the software that generates statistics of speed measurements.
  • Before applying high-strength powder coating, all parts are galvanized. Thanks to this, the service life of the SSR-1 Pro is at least 10 years.
  • Smart Speed ​​Limiter SSR-1 Pro image 8
  • High visibility of the image on the display is ensured by powerful LEDs, which are bright enough even on the sunniest day.
  • Automatic brightness control module. The values ​​on the screen do not blind drivers in the dark thanks to the light sensor, which reduces the brightness of the display and increases the brightness during the day to a sufficient level. Also, depending on changes in weather conditions, the brightness automatically changes throughout the day.
  • Smart equipment can work from the mains or autonomously from a solar battery (the equipment is selected individually).
  • The front display panel opens to allow quick and easy access to system modules. Any component of the display can be changed on the post in two stages without dismantling the structure. For example, to replace the LED module (part of the screen), it is enough to open the front panel of the SSR-1 Pro as a cabinet door and replace the module, which will take about 5 minutes.
  • The equipment is easy to install. Fastened to posts of all diameters with steel tape. It takes 15 minutes to install the device.
  • Thanks to its clever design and the ability to open the front panel flap like a door, SSR-1 Pro displays quickly and easily install or replace a SIM card, power supply, fan and any other components.
  • The equipment is equipped with software for collecting traffic information and displaying statistics. The device memory allows you to store information about the traffic situation for a year. The received data from the memory block of the scoreboard are downloaded automatically. Based on them, you can generate reports

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    For any period of time

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    With the display of the maximum, minimum, average speed and the total number of cars

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Smart scoreboard SSR-1 Pro allows you to control the speed of transport in automatic mode, makes it possible to quickly and easily notify drivers of an offense. The introduction of installations leads to a decrease in accidents in difficult areas, facilitates the work of the patrol police to ensure order on the roads.

Display mode can be 1-3 digits (such as: 5, 55, 155)
Power supply mode 220V, solar battery can also be used
Working voltage 12V for power and cooling systems, 5V LED modules
Working current <1,5А
Maximum detection speed 300 km/h
Detectable distance ≤0 ~ 120m
≤0 ~ 300m optional
Radar frequency k band (24.150G)
Response time ≤100ms
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Tags: automatic speed radar, smart, radar, speed display, speed control system, information board, warning board, electronic, speed sensor, radar board, smart road sign, smart system, intelligent, police radar, speed meter

60 800 грн
19 humans watching now
  • Brand: GPSM
  • Product Code: GPSM SSR-1 Pro
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Guarantee: 12 months
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Цей пристрій значно покращив контроль швидкості на ділянці дороги біля нашого ЖК. ЗТабло виявилось зручним у користуванні. Наші працівники змогли його самостійно і швидко встановити, і поки що, міцно тримається). Фотофіксація стала великим плюсом у нашому районі, адже так ми можемо відразу зафіксувати те, що станеться. Дякуєм, так спокійніше !


Обладнання працює без збоїв вже більше ніж пів року. Встановили на небезпечній ділянці дороги, де часто траплялись ДТП. Зараз активно спостерігаємо за ситуацією і можемо сказати, що табло таки налякало водії і випадків стало менше. Тому рекомендую!


Встановив SSR-1 Pro біля школи. Кількість водіїв, які перевищують швидкість, суттєво зменшилась, що не може не радувати. Батьківський комітет щиро вдячний. Сама сстановка була на диво швидкою та простою. Особливо необхідна виявилася функція фотофіксації, яка дозволяє отримувати доказові матеріали про порушеннях.


Купили SSR-1 Pro для нашого району, але залишилися розчаровані. Хоча пристрій легко встановлюється і має функцію фотофіксації, точність коливається, дисплей недостатньо яскравий у сонячну погоду, через що його важко побачити здалеку. Обміняли на другу версію, але вже через 2 місяці.


Табло якісно та продумано зроблено. Раніше купував "кустарні" табло в інших фірмах, так це небо і земля!
Особливо сподобалось, що можна дистанційно по SMS змінити налаштування. Окрім того, ми регулярно мінямо лайки на інші картинки (дистанційно). В комплекті є безкоштовне програмне забезпечення, яке показує всю статистику та виділяє перевищення швидкості за будь-який період часу. Фото кронтштейну додаю, - зручно регулюється кут нахилу.

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